4 min read

Triple Eye's Adventures in 🐇 One-derland 🕳️

We're through the looking glass, exploring more facets of One Last Job.

Curiosity often leads to trouble

Hi there, it's Lucas here, back at it again to share a bit of what my team's been doing for the last few weeks!

I find it interesting that, when making games, there's an infinite number of rabbits to chase down their own little rabbit holes. No one really knows what strange new experiences will be waiting for them, and I expect a large number of daydreamers and would-be adventurers never make it to the other side of the looking glass at all – instead, ending up covered in dirt and rabbit nibbles.

Since we already started following our own white rabbit with last month's update, I guess our only option is to keep going and share more of what I think makes our One Last Job so special!

Curiouser and curiouser

One Last Job is a game about managing teams of misfits, earning money and rep along the way to becoming the world's most renowned fixer.

It's all about who you know.

As you gain rep, you will have access to more talented crew & more difficult jobs; also, you need to plan for your crew to retire (sometimes amicably, sometimes due to injuries). And of course, each time you play, you'll have a series of jobs you must complete in order to progress the story: your very own white rabbit.

Who... are... you?

The exceptionally talented team of Heloisa (Behance) and Robin (linktree) have teamed up again to bring us some fantastic profile picture tech for your crew:


Do you think being allergic to dinosaurs will be a big problem in 40 years' time?

Every crew member's head, face, and body is assembled from hand-crafted parts to make these beautiful, amazing PFPs. We'll continue working on things like new haircuts and distinguishing characteristics into the future, to make sure your crew is (at all times) fresh to death.

Off with their heads!

When you send your crew, most jobs they're dealing with will be normal, everyday type jobs – help weed a garden, find a lost kitten, heist some art – but every so often you'll need to pull off a big Boss Job to let the world know you've got what it takes.


Failing any job injures some of the team; enough injuries, and your crew will retire.

You can only increase your rep by beating Boss Jobs, so they'll never disappear or cycle out. You'll need to earn enough money from normal jobs so that you can afford to buy boons for your crew, which will help them overcome these difficult challenges (before they retire).

Most jobs have been written by Dean, with some thrown in the mix by Drummond (Myopic Studios); these jobs all come with a story, and there's plenty of flavor to them! I look forward to you figuring out which characters are best at each job!

Ahoy, and other nautical expressions!

Maybe the most amazing tech we've implemented for One Last Job (which should be portable, to some degree, to all of the Null State universe games) is brought to us by Billy (linktree): we can dynamically introduce new localizations without having to rebuild or redistribute the game.


It's a pirate's life for me!

Thanks to this incredible innovation, anyone will be able to distribute their own localization packs for our games. There are some caveats to that which will need to be kept in mind (for example, in the preceding video you'll see that some words are too long for their respective buttons).

For many years, I've felt like localization is one of the hardest parts of game development; I'm exceptionally impressed with the work Billy has done here (and I expect you will be too, especially if you know a language that games usually don't support) since it should make extending language support in One Last Job easy as a cup of tea.

A very merry (un)birthday to you!

Next month, Sept 2024, will be the 2-year anniversary since my wife and I agreed that I would launch Triple Eye Games and try making some games; it will be the 1-year anniversary since the studio was founded and the Null State universe development project was kicked off.

We're now approximately 6 months away from when we'll launch One Last Job, Another Round, and Null State... and I'm looking forward to releasing new characters, jobs, and storylines for you until our next anniversary rolls around!

Until then, and until next month (when you'll see the nearly-final in-game art for active jobs, amongst other updates), just remember: being patient is very good advice, but waiting... doesn't it make you curious?